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Slim Card l Gaffs & Magic

Secrets of Gambling by Hugh Miller


Published by The Supreme Magic Company LTD, 1980.

128 pages


This book published in the 80s covers many cheating methods. It mentions stripper decks (bellies, concave, ends, etc.), maked cards, edge marks, false deals and holdouts. It also looks at other games like find the lady, dice, endless belt and some other cons. The subjects are interesting but the analysis on each subject is brief and you sometime feel like you don't get enough information.


It's the first place I read of the mention Slim-Jim for naming Ns and negative strippers. He also explains how to make bathroom strippers like in Vernon's book.

Secrets of Gambling by Hugh Miller


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    The texts and products available on the website are for entertainment and educational purpose only.


    The texts and products available on the website are for entertainment and educational purpose only. They are not intent for cheating under any circumstance as it unfair, unethical, illegal and could be dangerous to your health. We can not be held responsible for the misuses of the material or for the consequences of cheating or unlawful gambling. We do not consider ourselves expert beyond our own discoveries and knowledge that we use for entertaining purposes only.

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