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Slim Card l Gaffs & Magic

PRICE: 55$ USD (The price will be in Canadian dollars to the amount of 74$)



A unique deck of 52 casino playing cards and 2 jokers

A 165 pages book download


Over time he had assembled a deck of 52 different cards, two Jokers and all the back designs from all the casinos he had beaten, a veritable prism of kaleidoscopic casino colors and designs, a winner’s deck conjured from luck, skill and the turn of a card.


Until now only this high roller had such a deck—but today you can get in on the action, the legend, the savoir faire, the je ne sais quoi—because BOB FARMER and BAMMO MAGIC have teamed up with SLIMCARDCO, the world’s preeminent gambling gaffs firm, to produce the CASINO HIGH ROLLER DECK.


Do not confuse this deck with the multitude of so-called gaffed decks whose purveyors tout their many uses but deliver, at most, frail and feeble effects suitable only for that old guy amusing his grandchildren at the birthday party. This is not a so-called Rainbow Deck, though there is a pot of magic gold involved. The CASINO HIGH ROLLER DECK can be examined, yet within its colorful pasteboard realms are secrets so well-hidden and powerful that amazing and unique routines are finally possible:


• Predict a spectator’s casino of choice.


• Turn the spectator into a Blackjack card counter blindly separating high cards from low cards .


• Beat odds of more than one thousand billion to one.


• Play Poker and Blackjack and never lose.


• Make the spectator’s card disappear from the deck and appear in the card case the spectator has been holding.


• Play Casino 3-Card Monte and win the jackpot that will put you on Easy Street for life.


• Predict the card a throw of the dice selects.


Satisfaction guaranteed or we will apologize. This ad contains shameless hyperbole, tall talk, and unprincipled exaggeration. Available Exclusively From WWW.SLIMCARDCO.COM





“Six pages of just table of contents ….The pdf is a hundred and sixty-five pages …. Bob’s pdf is so large and you get so many pictures—the fact that he gives you all the patter too—he really holds your hand through all of this….I think it’s just a wonderful product.”

—David at



"... [A] ... cool and unique deck of cards ... if I were booked to work a corporate casino night, this deck would be all I'd need. Every routine is strong ... not heavily skill based ... [relying] ... on the cards themselves ... [and] ... cunning and clever presentations."
-—Mark Phillips, Genii Magazine




“Let’s talk about … [the] …built-in routines …


“Each of these effects has a theme: the spectator has powers that, until the performance, he never suspected he had. He is able to read the magician’s mind (Casino Prediction), blindly separate the high-value cards from the low-value cards (Blackjack OOTW), and pick the right card even though the odds are 7 to1 against that happening (Red Card Brainwave) ….


“I’m sure magicians will appreciate having what essentially is a full card-act built into an arrangement of fifty-two cards. Because the deck is novel (with its variety of casino cards), it can be logically introduced even after tricks that use a standard deck.


“Had Bob stopped there, you’d probably feel you got value for your money, but in typical Farmer fashion, Bob doesn’t stop there. Because this is a full, ungaffed deck, you can use it for other gambling-related tricks. Bob gives you 120 pages of such effects from a variety of creators and they are all worth trying ….


“As always, Bob Farmer has provided a ton of value for the money. None of the routines in the full-deck-stack act is difficult, but you will have to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the procedures ….


“If you do card magic and enjoy gambling-related tricks, you won’t go wrong with The Casino High Roller Deck. I recommend it.”

—Michael Close Newsletter March 2023, Volume 6.


The Casino High Roller Deck

Only 8 left in stock

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    The texts and products available on the website are for entertainment and educational purpose only.


    The texts and products available on the website are for entertainment and educational purpose only. They are not intent for cheating under any circumstance as it unfair, unethical, illegal and could be dangerous to your health. We can not be held responsible for the misuses of the material or for the consequences of cheating or unlawful gambling. We do not consider ourselves expert beyond our own discoveries and knowledge that we use for entertaining purposes only.

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